Peter Massin

E3 Materia Chimera: Smudge and blend – A transcycling studio

Course No.: 848136

Team: Prof. Marjan Colletti | Catalina Tripolt | Peter Massin | Oliver Hamedinger

“The most environmentally benign building is the one that need not be built because it already exists” (Grammenos and Russel, 1997)

“The greenest building… is the one that is already built.” (Elefante, 2007)

Retrofitting, renovation, conversion, modification, alteration, reorganization, upgrading and enhancement of existing buildings are crucial strategies to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in architecture and building construction. However, there are … more

Postdigital Textrin @ eCAADe 2024

Morphology and Ornamentation: Robotic fabrication of a biocomposite relief

Authors: Peter Massin, Kilian Bauer

The design-build case study Postdigital Textrin has been conducted as part of the research project Fragmente postdigitaler Ornamentik, funded by Early-Stage Funding 2022. With support of the Department of Experimental Architecture and the Architekturwerkstatt, Universität Innsbruck. The project’s principal investigators were Peter Massin and Kilian Bauer. The affiliated student workers are Theresa Biesalski, Amy Ehinger, Simon Hildebrand, Christopher Walch, and Lukas Wolf. … more

HOPE: Hybrid, Organic, Postplastic Environments

A holistic, ethical, and sustainable approach to home design and living environments

REX|LAB @ Ars Electronica Festival 2024

Team: Marjan Colletti, Kilian Bauer, Catalina Tripolt, Daria Smakhtina, Peter Massin, Andreas Körner, Georg Grasser

Student workers: Simon Hildebrand, Theresa Biesalski, Tobias Niederholzer, Christopher Walch, Anna D´Eredità

‘Postplasticism’ departs from the rigid geometries of Neoplasticism: the austere, geometrical, abstract style labelled by Mondrian one century ago, which focused on strict, geometric forms and primary, applied colours. Postplasticism embraces a more ornate, organic, … more

Super High-Res Assembly II

Prodigal Digitality – An Efflorescence of Fine Arts in postdigital Architectures

Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Galo Moncayo Asan

„Super High-Res Assembly II – An Efflorescence of Fine Arts in postdigital Architectures“ wird sich thematisch auf die exzessive postdigitale Sanierung eines urbanen Bestandskörpers (Trägers) konzentrieren. Das Thema reagiert nicht nur auf ein akutes gestalterisches Ungleichgewicht in der gegenwärtigen Baukultur, sondern wird einen konkreten Vorschlag für ein postdigitales Bekleidungsprinzip erarbeiten. Beziehen kann sich die Bekleidung auf die Fassade oder auch auf … more

Natures of postdigital beings

Ein Habitat für realvirtuelle Wesen

Team: Theresa Uitz, Peter Massin

Digitality has created two ideological worlds, one within (virtuality) and one outside(physicality). Architects traditionally design for the physical, but since the advent of digitality, they also design in the virtual. The physical is serious, and its design influences our environment significantly permanently. Virtuality, however, is playful and exuberant; its design is democratised and innocuous in terms of impact compared to the physical world. The boundaries between these two opposed worlds … more

Km 0 Architecture

Grow/Print Your Own Building

Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Georg Gasser, Mümün Keser, supported by Catalina Tripolt

‘The term km 0, or 0 km, was derived from the Slow Food movement. As a clear counterpoint to fast-food chains, the idea of the movement is to promote the consumption of local ingredients, reducing the distance between producers and consumers. With this mission, it seeks to reduce damage to the environment caused by monoculture and the emissions of carbon dioxide/consumption of fossil … more

Vernacular Performative Facades

Introduction into Typological Design Aspects of Building-Envelopes

Team: Thomas Mathoy, Peter Massin, Marc Ihle

Im Rahmen des Kurzentwerfen werden sich die Studierenden mit der Entwicklung eines Fassadensystems beschäftigen. Die gestalterische Artikulation des Systems soll funktional aktiviert bzw. interpretiert werden. Hierbei definieren die konkrete Gebäudetypologie, der spezifische Standort und die Fassadenausrichtung die wesentlichen Parameter.
Es wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Funktion, Fügung der Bauteile, Materialökonomie und architektonischem Ausdruck untersucht und anhand eines eignen Entwurfs und einer Modellstudie erprobt.

Entwicklung eines Fassadenelements, … more

Inspection methods for 3D concrete printing

Link to the full paper at the repository of Loughborough University

Based on the REX|LAB project Cohesion/Cocoon from 2019 we contributed to a research paper for the Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication: Digital Concrete 2020.

Authors: Richard Buswell, Peter Kinnell, Jie Xu, Norman Hack, Harald Kloft, Mehdi Maboudi, Markus Gerke, Peter Massin, Georg Grasser, Rob Wolfs, Freek Bos

Cooperating universities: Loughborough University, Technische Universität Braunschweig, University of Technology Eindhoven, Universität Innsbruck

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Abstract: … more

High Riser

Joining Materiality – lightweight structures

Team: Thomas Mathoy, Peter Massin, Marc Ihle

Im Rahmen des Kurzentwerfen werden sich die Studierenden mit konstruktiven Systemen innerhalb der Typologie des Hochhauses beschäftigen. Es wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Konstruktionslogik, Fügung der Bauteile, Materialökonomie und architektonischem Ausdruck untersucht und anhand eigener Entwürfe und Fallstudien erprobt.

Entwerfen eines Hochhauses mit Fokus auf Konstruktion und Fügung. Darstellung des Entwurfs in Form eines physischen Modells im Maßstab 1:200.

Die Studierenden entwickeln mehrere prototypische Konstruktionsprinzipien aus Papier, … more

Super High-Res Assembly: A Progression towards a Multi-D Architecture

Instructors: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin

Design Studio 2 – 2nd year Master

“Super High-Res Assembly” focused on the excessive processing and elaboration of a simple organizational architectural task. The theme responds to an acute imbalance in the current building culture.

Just as modernity and its pioneers reacted to the myriad of opulent buildings of their predecessors, we have to react nowadays to the countless aftermaths of modernity. The … more