Furthering Experimental Architectures, Strategies and Technologies
Studio Colletti operates at the crossroads of experimental architectural design, innovative building technologies, and contemporary digital and postdigital culture. Project FEA(S)T endeavours to further design strategies and fabrication technologies that promote architecture as a feat – an achievement that requires great courage, skill, and strength – developed and delivered by a team or an individual, and as a feast – beautiful and enjoyable to experience – for the community and the public. Three research agendas lie at the core of our mission statement, embedding old, current and future paradigms within a longer history of architectural design and theory, art and science, technology and philosophy:
1. Digital Poetics and Digital Production (understanding the past): We have lost the ‘r’. The digital revolution is something of the past, but we still believe in digital evolution. Based on two-and-a-half decades of Colletti’s research into digital poetics, the studio explores how established digital thinking can advance the way we design and deliver more intelligent and eco-friendly building. References to past and present cultural phenomena complement a plethora of applied and experimental teaching methodologies. Students and research associates thereby acquire the skills to on the one hand critically reflect on their own production and the on-going discourse in architecture (technologies, aesthetics and environments), and on the other hand to gain a career advantage in leading architectural practices.
2. Postdigital and Neobaroque Practices (probing the present): We are gaining the ‘post’ and the ‘neo’. The challenges of understanding postdigital thinking as a continuation of the digital, and not its rejection, is paramount to the studio´s teaching and research. With a simultaneous interest in the neobaroque Zeitgeist, we investigate architecture as a contemporary cultural practice. We mentor students and research associate how to encompass software and hardware advances in simulation and visualisation, VR and AR, in tandem with bespoke natural and artificial materials and industrial robotic fabrication and in conjunction with often overlooked analogue crafts, to awaken their accountability towards the common good of society and to develop their individuality and originality.
3. Hybrid and Transdiciplinary Enviroments (envisaging the future): We shall ‘trans’form. Architecture carries a huge responsibility in reprogramming the built and the natural habitat. But it must evolve beyond its disciplinary canons and dogmas to respond to the acute problems and challenges of ecology, economy and sustainability. We work transdisciplinarily to prepare for the hyper-hybridity of the 4th Industrial Revolution, help provide adaptive and novel solutions in terms of form, program, materiality, energy, cities and environments, and shape a more inclusive and participatory world, where design and beauty matter. Our students and research associates are mentored in how architecture is interfaced between technology and nature, and how transscalar it is, from micro (materiality, biotechnologies) to meso (prototypes, buildings) to macro (understanding cities, landscapes and ecosystems of Alpine and urban territories but not only).
REX|LAB 2021 UIBK SPRING 2021 Robotic Fabrication Workshop. The workshop focused in computationally designing and…
REX|LAB, 2015 Installation for the 2016 Iris van Herpen Spring Collection Show, Paris Collaborating artists:…
FrAgile 2 Porous Cast
REX|LAB, 2015 Installation for the exhibition ‘TAB – Tallinn Architecture Biennal’, Tallinn Estonia (9.9. –…
TRIOPIC SPECTACLE @ARS Electronica Festival 2021
Postdigital Neobaroque Transmedia – PDNB As part of an ongoing process of diversification, as well…
REX|LAB, 2018 Robotically 3D printed installation, sited at the Wachtberg Sculpture Park, Austria, 2018 Design:…
Column V1
REX|LAB, 2018 https://youtu.be/rRYbUdqElgQ FORM The beauty of nature shows diversity, any language of forms arises…
REX|LAB, 2016 Research and design: Marjan Colletti, Johannes LadinigREX|LAB Collaborators: Georg Grasser, Galo Patricio Montayo Asan,…
Robotic Infiltrations
REX|LAB, 2013 The project represents a continuation of research that explores the potential of additive…
HOPE: Hybrid, Organic, Postplastic Environments
A holistic, ethical, and sustainable approach to home design and living environments REX|LAB @ Ars…
The Plantolith
REX|LAB, 2013 3D silica sand print 1700/1000/200mm, approx. 250kg, produced for and exhibited at the…
Additive Thrones
REX|LAB 2022 “The aim of this seminar was to design and fabricate an intricate and…
REX|LAB, 2018 Installation for the Ars Electronica 2018 Design: Marjan Colletti, Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme, Georg…
REX|LAB, 2013 Installation and REX|LAB workshop for SmartGeometry at UCL, 2013. Special thanks to: Innsbruck Workshop –…
REX|LAB, 2015 Research for ®Swarovski Research and design: Marjan Colletti, Pedja Gavrilovich, Pavlos Fereos 3D-printed…
REX|LAB, 2019 A 3D printed installation within the ‘Show Garden’ silver medal winner GARDENING WILL…
REX|LAB, 2018 Robotically 3D printed installation at the Gallerie Goettlicher Krems-Stein, Austria, 2018 Design: M….
CoConch • Seamless Digital Materiality
Beitrag zur Ausstellung “Potenziale 3” REX|LAB, 2021/22 https://youtu.be/_TJLQMxz8Qg CoConch – Seamless Digital Materiality CoConch –…
REX|LAB @ Ars Electronica 2016
FrAgile 3 – Coralloid Cocoons The installation is part of a series of prototypical and…
Multimateriality in Additive Fabrication – Sustainable 4D Multimaterial Prototypes 848181 SE New Technologies – Master…
Quadrifoglio: Gradual Furniture
REX|LAB, 2024 Physical launch 15.04.2024 at the Milan Design Week, Milan 2024 Virtual launch 16.04.2024 of…
Postdigital Natures of Planet B
Postdigital Natures of Planet B is a large-scale, robotically 3D-printed 1:1 installation made of recycled…
Surface Articulation as Structural Leverage in Large Scale 3D Printing @ eCAADe 2024
The Additive Hyper-Ornamental Prototypes Trilogy Authors: Pavlos Fereos, Kilian Bauer, Eftychios-Nicolaos Efthimiou Acknowledgements: The Additive…
Inspection methods for 3D concrete printing
Link to the full paper at the repository of Loughborough University Based on the REX|LAB…
Postdigital Textrin @ eCAADe 2024
Morphology and Ornamentation: Robotic fabrication of a biocomposite relief Authors: Peter Massin, Kilian Bauer Acknowledgements:The…
Cloud Towers
Spaceship Architecture REX|LAB 2018 E4-booklet20.06.17-komprimiertDownload brief_CloudTowersDownload
“Lucid” Foam
Multi-Axis Robotic Hot-Wire Cutting for Translucency REX|LAB 2018 final-presentation-17032017-komprimiertDownload 18_ecaade_CY_Lucid_Foam_submition-komprimiertDownload
ceramic 3D-printing in architecture – WS 2021 Students learn the theory and practice of additive…
E3 2021/22 KM 0 Architecture – GROW/ PRINT YOUR OWN BUILDING
ZERO KM ARCHITECTUREDownload part of: PROJECT FEA(S)T [Furthering Experimental Architectures, Strategies and Technologies] Part of…
REX|LAB 2015 AA-VS-Innsbruck_Winter-Robot_2015Download
Guardians of Time
Manfred Kielnhofer, REX|LAB, 2017 Re-Creation Report The polar caps are melting. Storms rage. Venice is…