Year: 2022

New Dimensions of Order

In times of change, the question arises how positive transformation can be supported and shaped. The forces influencing transformation are not concepts or specific projects and ambitions, but changing values, a changed attitude that we take towards the world and ourselves. They form the basis of our motivations and actions and can thus bring about transformation – a fundamental change brought about from within.
Hailer / Kurz Modell

bestimmt unbestimmt

The title 'determinate indeterminate' also refers to qualities in architecture that can be described as 'determinate' and 'indeterminate', the connection between which we make the subject matter of our investigations. The floor plan and architectural photographs each stand for a representation of these different qualities.

E1 Einheit in Vielfalt

Course No.: 848106-1

Teaching: Christoph Opperer und Gilbert Sommer

Espace Autre | Construction autre

Der andere Raum | Die andere Konstruktion

In diesem Semester widmet sich das Institut für experimentelle Architektur.Hochbau der Suche nach dem anderen Raum und der anderen Konstruktion.

‘Espace Autre’ ist ein von Foucault in seinen frühen Schriften geprägter Begriff. Er verweist auf einen Raum, der eine andere Zeitlichkeit und Befindlichkeit hat als der uns in der Alltäglichkeit umgebende Raum. Welches sind mögliche Qualitäten eines Raumes, … more

TRAITS Infos for Conference Speakers

Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for Arts-based Research), led by Prof. Marjan Colletti at the Department for Experimental Architecture, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.


Conference format:
The conference will be held in person, pending further sanitary measures. It is planned to visit the faculty of architecture and allow much time for discussions. More information concerning the venue can be found here:

TRAITS Venue and Shuttle

Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for Arts-based Research), led by Prof. Marjan Colletti at the Department for Experimental Architecture, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.

TRAITS Conference Venue and Shuttle  


Universitätszentrum Obergurgl 1950er Jahre
© Alpine Forschungsstelle Obergurgl

The Universitätszentrum Obergurgl is located on 1.940 m altitude, 
directly beside the slopes of the Ötz valley glacier and 
a 5min. walk to town centre of Obergurgl in the Ötz … more

TRAITS Day Tickets

Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for Arts-based Research), led by Prof. Marjan Colletti at the Department for Experimental Architecture, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.


LINK: Online Registration Form – Visitors


3-DAYS Ticket: € 150,- / person
1ST-DAY Ticket: € 40,- / person
2ND-DAY Ticket: € 75,- / person
3RD-DAY Ticket: € 75,- / … more

TRAITS Conference Schedule

Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for Arts-based Research), led by Prof. Marjan Colletti at the Department for Experimental Architecture, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.

14:00 – 16:00
Conference Side Programme in Innsbruck
Sightseeing Innsbruck, guided tour with PerPedes Guide Claudia
registration via mail to   
Meeting Point: Anna Säule, City Center  (Maria-Theresien-Straße 18, A- 6020 Innsbruck)


Kurzentwerfen 2 Winter 22/23

Course No.: LV848125

Teaching: Theresa Kappeler, Simon Oberhammer, Silvia Pirkner, Christoph Schlapak, Karolin Schmidbaur

Zurückgehend auf Sempers „vier Elemente der Baukunst“ – der Herd, das Dach, die Umfriedung, der Erdaufwurf – ist die Wand eines der klassischen Elemente der Architektur.

In „This is not a Wall“ beschäftigen wir uns mit dem zentralen, architektonischen Thema „Wand“ und nutzen die von Semper begonnenen Unterscheidungen ihrer Qualitäten, gehen aber weit über diese hinaus. Wir tun alles, damit die von … more