Karolin Schmidbaur

Deep Himmelblau, AI Research Project, Coop Himmelb(l)au, 2021

From sketch to AI: towards Hybrid Processes

Authors: Karolin Schmidbaur, Efilena Baseta

Public lecture held at the iaac lecture series on May 10, 2022
iaac institute for advanced architecture of Catalunia, Barcelona, Spain

Coop Himmelb(I)au is an international practice with a long history in building construction.

With its foundation in 1968, the practice has experienced the shift from the 20th to the 21st century that brought a variety of technological advancements along with new design methods. In this lecture, the design-to-realisation thinking and processes of key projects … more

sophia builds Jurierung

Aus 12 Studierendenprojekten entwickelt und entworfen in Teams aus je zwei Studierenden im Rahmen ihrer Bachelorarbeit am Institut für experimtentelle Architektur I Hochbau im Studienjahr 2020/21, wurde nach intensivem Diskurs einer hervorragend besetzten Jury, gebildet aus VertreterInnen der Pädagogischen Hochschule und ArchitektInnen einstimmig das Projekt Chamäleon von Maja Link und Valentin Fick für den ersten Platz ausgewählt und der BauherrIn zur Realisierung empfohlen. Anerkennungspreise wurden an die Projekte NOLiA, PILLARS LEAD und break the cycle vergeben.


PHT (Nutzer): … more

New Dimensions of Order

In times of change, the question arises how positive transformation can be supported and shaped. The forces influencing transformation are not concepts or specific projects and ambitions, but changing values, a changed attitude that we take towards the world and ourselves. They form the basis of our motivations and actions and can thus bring about transformation – a fundamental change brought about from within.

Studio Schmidbaur – People

Karolin Schmidbaur
Dipl. Ing. Arch.
Senior Lecturer
Heike Bablick
Arch. DI
Sabine Böck
Best Practice
Volker Flamm
Arch. DI M.Arch.
Univ. Assistant
Markus Malin
Arch. DI
Univ. Assistant
Christoph Opperer
Mag. Arch., PHD candidate
Senior Scientist
Gilbert Sommer
Arch. DI
Univ. Assistant
Gonzalo Vaillo- Martinez
Arch. DI MSc, PHD candidate
Univ. Assistant
Anastasia Zaytseva
MAS ETH, PHD candidate
External Lecturers
Lukas Allner
Mag. Arch.
Hans-Peter Gruber
Arch. DI
Michaela Mair
Arch. DI
Simon Oberhammer
Arch. DI
Silvia Pirkner