studio ks

Carl Pruscha

Lecture Series SoSe 2023

Carl Pruscha – An unusual architect

In architecture – as in art – life and work are usually closely intertwined.
Carl Pruscha is an unusual architect. His works can be found in three geographically distant places that have had a strong influence on him. New York, Kathmanu and Vienna. In the United States, Pruscha designed visionary and utopian projects. He found reality in Nepal, where the UN sent him in 1964 as a consultant. In the … more

Andrej Radman

Lecture Series SoSe 2023

The Affect Theory challenges the alleged primacy of the ‘physical’ world. We engage with a world replete with capacities, tendencies and values, not with an aggregate of objects. In the Nietzschean tenor, there is no antonym for the word ‘value’ and it can certainly not be found in the word ‘fact’. The emphasis is on the encounter, where experience is seen as an emergence that returns the body to a process field of exteriority. Sensibility … more

Stefan Holst

Lecture Series SoSe 2023

KlimaEngineering for buildings aims to achieve the highest comfort for users with the lowest possible energy consumption. Transsolar is an energy technology company that started in Stuttgart in 1992 and is now active worldwide. It works toward this goal by creating and testing new climate and energy concepts. In close cooperation with customers, architects, building technicians and other engineers, holistic solutions are sought in which local boundary conditions, the shape of the building, the materials … more


Lecture Series SoSe 2023

Climate F(r)ictions
The history of our civilization has largely been defined by the stability in weather patterns that are associated with specific geographic locations. Cities were often created and developed according to how agriculture, livestock, resources and habitable conditions intersected. In turn, these also shape how our societies have evolved as well as social constructs that adhere to different systems of value. A new climate regime is currently playing out. There is no guarantee on the … more


Lecture Series SoSe 2023

Lecture 1: March 29, 6:30 pm – PAREID
Lecture 2: March 30, 6:30 pm – Stefan Holst
Lecture 3: May 24, 6:30 pm – Andrej Radman
Lecture 4: June 14, 6:30 pm – Carl Pruscha


Affect is often associated with individual feelings, a vehicle that has shaped discourses and practices in diverse fields for and around human experience. In architecture, its most widespread … more

proxima centauri

Auf der Suche nach anderen Dimensionen der Ordnung

Vortrag: Donnerstag, 19.01.2023, 19:00 Uhr im AUT

Die u. a. als Partnerin bei Coop Himmelb(l)au international tätige Architektin und Forscherin Karolin Schmidbaur ist seit 2017 Professorin am Institut für experimentelle Architektur.Hochbau der Universität Innsbruck und seit 2021 Vorstandsmitglied im aut. Grund genug, sie zu einem Vortrag einzuladen, bei dem sie ihre architektonische Herangehensweise skizzieren wird.

Das Bild des Proxima Centauri – des der Sonne am nächsten stehenden, bekannten Sterns – steht … more