Year: 2014

FrAgile Architecture

Team: Prof. Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Thomas Mathoy

Students: Vogl-Fernheim Johanna, Pomberger Angelika, Hörl Louise, Toferer Mario, Vladic Günther, Lercher Alexander, Sponring Katharina, Mitterwurzer Sabine, Gostner Elisa, Mörtl Theresa, Mazagg Elisa , Pompermaier Anna, Fabbris Lucilla, Bartolucci Hannah, Bertolini Silvia, Handtmann Karl, Stadelmann Nadine, Grimm Raffael, Turolla Alessandro, Jocher Lorenz, Schramm Kristina, Hahn Mendissa

Meeting Nature Halfway is an overarching research topic at the Department of Experimental Architecture. Structural Engineering and addresses the intersection of architecture and nature. The fundamental … more

Digitally Aided Self‐crystallizing Ice Structures

Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Allison Weiler

Students: Dünßer David Cornelius, Muller Gilles, Schwarz Charly, Schütz Julia, Palaskas Evangelos Stergios, Klaus Wolfgang, Berchtold Johanna Rosina, Kratzer David, Kerer Daniel, Claßen Jan David, Kreß Julius Clemens, Nalbach Niklas Alexander, Rubach Ferdinand, Aichner Sabrina, Kranebitter Lisa, Markl Martin, Prieth Bernhard, Clara Alan, Gasteiger Achim, Marmsoler Fabian, Platter Angelika Maria, Thaler Martha, Schröder Claudia, Scheiber Daniel, Eitzenberger Leonie, Koller Veronika Luna, Schulz Leonard Yves Mark, Längenfelder Jonas, Spindler Fabian, Beetz Barbara, Halder Moritz … more

Digitally Aided Self‐crystallizing Ice Structures |2.0 Master

Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Allison Weiler

Architecture cannot exist without its natural context, and thus should act not as an object in nature, but rather a means of negotiated the boundary between nature and the built environment. „Meeting Nature Halfway“ aims at an architecture sympathetic, linked and codependent on its context. It creates a host for invasive growth as a means of creating a new form of built condition.
Ice is a pervasive force in cold weather regions, and
