
Guest Lecture – Fologram/Gwyllim Jahn

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

Guest Lecture - Fologram/Gwyllim Jahn 12.02.19 FOLOGRAM: Holographic Fabrication Make in Mixed Reality - Gwyllim JAHN Fologram is a Melbourne based design research practice and technology startup building a mixed reality toolkit for designers and makers. Gwyllim Jahn will discuss work from Fologram that investigates the implications of Mixed-Reality (MR) assembly methodologies on architectural design. DATE: 12th Feb 2019, 12:00 pm PLACE: institute for experimental architecture.hochbau, 3rd floor

Zur Konstitution des Ornaments in der Architektur

Institut Technikerstraße 21, Innsbruck, Austria

Zur Konstitution des Ornaments in der Architektur – Historiografie, Gegenwart und Morphologie Rigorosum Dipl.-Ing. Peter Massin Öffentlicher Vortrag Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021, 10.00 Uhr Prüfungssenat: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Kristina SCHINEGGER Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Marjan COLLETTI, PhD |1. Gutachter Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin DILLENBURGER (ETH Zürich) | 2. Gutachter Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin ASTE AADipl. Oliver DOMEISEN (UCL London) Die Dissertation ist online als Volltext verfügbar:

Affect Lecture1 – PAREID

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture Series SoSe 2023 Lecture 1: March 29, 6:30 pm – PAREID Lecture 2: March 30, 6:30 pm – Stefan Holst Lecture 3: May 10, 6:30 pm – Christina Jauernik Lecture 4: May 24, 6:30 pm – Andrej Radman Lecture 5: June 14, 6:30 pm – Carl Pruscha Affect is often associated with individual feelings, a vehicle that has shaped discourses and practices in diverse fields for and around human experience. In architecture, its most widespread registration came with the phenomenological turn as an enterprise to downplay „retinal,“ rational, and conceptual agendas. Instead, architecture becomes „atmosphere,“ a playground for the senses. For its part, the subject‘s body becomes the primary means of understanding and relating to this space haptically. In recent years, this approach has been criticized from various angles. On the one hand, there are positions that confront the positivism of phenomenological architecture, arguing that it is circumscribed to the normative regimes of emotions, while also ignoring the political and social implications of affects. On the other hand, others overcome the „experientialism“ of the phenomenological method by building on contemporary posthuman and non-anthropocentric dispositions. Whether accounting for the augmented conditions of human experience through technological means or directly for non-human mediated relations, affect […]

Affect Lecture2 – Stefan Holst

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture Series SoSe 2023 Lecture 1: March 29, 6:30 pm – PAREID Lecture 2: March 30, 6:30 pm – Stefan Holst Lecture 3: May 10, 6:30 pm – Christina Jauernik Lecture 4: May 24, 6:30 pm – Andrej Radman Lecture 5: June 14, 6:30 pm – Carl Pruscha Affect is often associated with individual feelings, a vehicle that has shaped discourses and practices in diverse fields for and around human experience. In architecture, its most widespread registration came with the phenomenological turn as an enterprise to downplay „retinal,“ rational, and conceptual agendas. Instead, architecture becomes „atmosphere,“ a playground for the senses. For its part, the subject‘s body becomes the primary means of understanding and relating to this space haptically. In recent years, this approach has been criticized from various angles. On the one hand, there are positions that confront the positivism of phenomenological architecture, arguing that it is circumscribed to the normative regimes of emotions, while also ignoring the political and social implications of affects. On the other hand, others overcome the „experientialism“ of the phenomenological method by building on contemporary posthuman and non-anthropocentric dispositions. Whether accounting for the augmented conditions of human experience through technological means or directly for non-human mediated relations, affect […]

Affect Lecture3 – Christina Jauernik

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture Series SoSe 2023 Lecture 1: March 29, 6:30 pm – PAREID Lecture 2: March 30, 6:30 pm – Stefan Holst Lecture 3: May 10, 6:30 pm – Christina Jauernik Lecture 4: May 24, 6:30 pm – Andrej Radman Lecture 5: June 14, 6:30 pm – Carl Pruscha Affect is often associated with individual feelings, a vehicle that has shaped discourses and practices in diverse fields for and around human experience. In architecture, its most widespread registration came with the phenomenological turn as an enterprise to downplay „retinal,“ rational, and conceptual agendas. Instead, architecture becomes „atmosphere,“ a playground for the senses. For its part, the subject‘s body becomes the primary means of understanding and relating to this space haptically. In recent years, this approach has been criticized from various angles. On the one hand, there are positions that confront the positivism of phenomenological architecture, arguing that it is circumscribed to the normative regimes of emotions, while also ignoring the political and social implications of affects. On the other hand, others overcome the „experientialism“ of the phenomenological method by building on contemporary posthuman and non-anthropocentric dispositions. Whether accounting for the augmented conditions of human experience through technological means or directly for non-human mediated relations, affect […]

Affect Lecture4 – Andrej Radman

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture Series SoSe 2023 Lecture 1: March 29, 6:30 pm – PAREID Lecture 2: March 30, 6:30 pm – Stefan Holst Lecture 3: May 10, 6:30 pm – Christina Jauernik Lecture 4: May 24, 6:30 pm – Andrej Radman Lecture 5: June 14, 6:30 pm – Carl Pruscha   ANDREJ RADMAN (Delft University of Technology)   Subjects as Effects of Affects: A Pedagogy of the Senses Abstract The Affect Theory challenges the alleged primacy of the ‘physical’ world. We engage with a world replete with capacities, tendencies and values, not with an aggregate of objects. In the Nietzschean tenor, there is no antonym for the word ‘value’ and it can certainly not be found in the word ‘fact’. The emphasis is on the encounter, where experience is seen as an emergence that returns the body to a process field of exteriority. Sensibility introduces an aleatory moment into the development of thought and turns contingency into the very condition for thinking. Not only does this upset logical identity and opposition, it also places the limit of thinking beyond any dialectical system. Thought cannot activate itself by thinking; it has to be provoked. Art and architecture may provide such provocation. If to think differently one has […]

Affect Lecture5 – Carl Pruscha

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

Carl Pruscha - An unusual architect In architecture - as in art - life and work are usually closely intertwined. Carl Pruscha is an unusual architect. His works can be found in three geographically distant places that have had a strong influence on him. New York, Kathmanu and Vienna. In the United States, Pruscha designed visionary and utopian projects. He found reality in Nepal, where the UN sent him in 1964 as a consultant. In the foreign culture, the young architect grew on specific tasks. In addition to complex planning proposals for the Kathmandu Valley, he realized remarkable buildings that combine tradition and modernity, in harmony with the natural and cultural landscape. After his return to Vienna in 1974, his committed academic and social attitude became obvious. As rector of the Academy of Fine Arts, the bustling bohemian became a defining figure on the Viennese architectural scene. Carl Pruscha lives architecture in a variety of different influences, which come together in his architectural concepts and ideas as well as his realized projects. In this sense his life and work could stand for what the title of the lecture series expresses: “affect and be affected”. Biography Carl Pruscha is an Austrian […]

Variegated Poché

Institut - Spielwiese Technikerstraße 21, 3.OG Nord, Innsbruck, Austria

PhD Defence / Rigorosum Andreas Körner, BSc MArch   Variegated Poché Exploring thermochromic materials as surrogate models for the design integration of surface weathering in architecture.   Abstract: Current environmental and ecological pressures lead architects to reconsider the relationships between the inside and the outside, the permanence of surfaces, and the ageing of buildings. Integrating weathering through design and contextualising it in architectural theory are key components of this paradigm shift. This doctoral dissertation explores thermochromic materials as surrogate models for weathering as a design tool. Thermochromics change colour due to temperature. The research projects investigate the textural relationship between surfaces, substrates, and environments. The study employs a mixed-methods approach. First, a comprehensive literature review surveys the contemporary and historical concepts of weather, colour, texture, and poché. The correlation between the 19th-century debate on architectural polychromy and anthropogenic pollution acts as a historical case study for today’s relationship between ornament and climate change. Subsequently, the method of thermochromic programming is developed via five design research projects. Consequently, aesthetic chromogenic correlations between natural, long-term weathering and reversible, short-term thermochromic materials are outlined. The findings demonstrate that thermochromic programming can act as a surrogate model to explore design aspects of augmented weathering […]